About Nicole

My journey pretty much starts back from as far as I can remember. As a child, I was exposed to energy work quite early on. My mam is also a reiki healer and would always talk of higher beings and angels casually around the house. I received my first deck of angel cards at age 10 and started meditating in some form not long after that. So tapping into my pysch abilities at a young age was never unusual for me. As a teenager, I suppressed that side of myself in order to “fit in” with my peers at school. I completely blocked any connection to my soul's purpose and true alignment by ignoring that niggle in my belly - my intuition.

In around 2020, I began to receive the most powerful downloads that I could no longer ignore. My soul was being called to live a life immersed in emotion and spiritual growth. In 2021, I moved to Bali and experienced another awakening. (I know, it’s so cliche! “Move to Bali and find yourself”, but it’s true.) The energy on the island is so special. Mama Bali will serve you with any lessons you need to learn if you’re open to receiving them. During this time I realised that my mission here on earth, in this lifetime, is to guide and serve. To continue on my own ascension whilst being a light for others on theirs. After this awakening, FitSoul by Nicole was born.

The aim of FitSoul is to bridge the gap between Fitness and Soul awareness, bringing optimal health to our body, mind, and soul.

In a masculine-driven world, where gym culture is widespread and continuously growing, it’s very normal for us to exercise our physical bodies to look and feel healthy. Squeezing in a quick gym session on your lunch break from the office, getting up that extra hour earlier to take a class or go for a run. Although this is proactive, action-orientated, and sometimes necessary, constantly being in our masculine energy keeps us in a state of fight or flight. Always on the go, always moving.

What about our feminine selves? Are you taking time to nurture your feminine energy? Your inner being? To slow down and allow yourself to be in a state of rest and digest without guilt?

Don’t get me wrong, for a lot of people the gym is their safe space where they go to feel mental clarity, but the goal of FitSoul is to show people that you can have a healthy balance by integrating the two.

Exercising your physical body is important, but we’re here to teach you how to also exercise your spiritual body. Using yoga, meditation, reiki, mindfulness, breathwork, and other holistic therapies, we are devoted to walking with you on a journey of self-care and personal development to discover your greatest potential and power.

Our Mission